Monday, July 04, 2011

Vacation Report

Brief report from Vacay land. Trailer had a flood, and it happened as long as a month ago, and was left unattended - only because none of us had a chance to come here since the service company was here fixing a leak. Some family members were here before others and started wet/vaccing and dehumidifying, so that was a help, but WOW, did it smell bad. 

We are still learning the extent of the damage, been here for almost two days and we keep seeing trouble spots and more mold. Service company that most likely caused this cannot get here till Wednesday, which is unacceptable, but holiday and all that, what can you do. And it still smells bad, although not quite as bad as before.

Today, the 4th has been dry, sunny, and mildly breezy, so this all helps too. We are having some laughs, and last night we got to see a good friend jam with some great musicians. They were all really great. So, we are making the best of it.

But today we had a whole other scare. Tom came back from playing badminton with some extreme pain/discomfort - so bad he really couldn't communicate with us. He was pointing to his chest, (right side, so at least it didn't seem like a heart problem) and was agitated. Surely, we were headed to an ER. Never seen him so uncomfortable, he couldn't even concentrate on the "from 1 to 10, how bad is the pain?" question.

But within about 10 minutes, he calmed down, and he is feeling much better, seems to be a pulled muscle. 

Don't need this much drama!