Monday, October 03, 2005

Something I realize I need to address before too much more time passes. When I ran my lil' movie quiz of September 7th though I did supply the answers; I never mentioned who the top winners were.

So, now with a flourish and drumroll, yaddah yaddah yaddah --

Eowyn and The Duke both got top honors.

For the most recent quiz of September 28th, Eowyn is in the lead. But it's not too late to enter!

And for my teaser question of Sept. 24th,

" What do Ian Anderson, Ronnie Montrose, Tommy Shaw, Billy Sherwood and Malcolm McDowell have in common?"

These gents join other music greats on the Back Against the Wall tribute CD that revisits the work of Pink Floyd's The Wall. CD review forthcoming.

That's it for now.